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f.disma ,xld fj; ,enqKq fuu jd¾;dj my; iyka lruq' tys Wmqgk lsysmhla isxyf,ka fufiah
fuu isÿùu isÿjQ Èkh ksjdvq Èkhla jQ ksid iji leïmia tl md¿jg .syska ;snqKd' mqia;ld,h iy f,da*el,aáh w;r fldßfvdarfha tk úg tlu tl fmï hqj<la mqia;ld, fmaõukaÜ tfla isáhd'udI,a wkqr iy i;risxy tfjf,a weúo .shd'idudkHfhka iji krl yeisÍï je<elaùug fï wdldrhg udI,a ,d hkq ud ±l ;sfnkjd'kuq;a Yío k.d wiNH f,i neK jÈñka Tjqka fj;g f.dia whsfvkaá b,a,kq ud ÿgqjd'fmï hqj< isá wdldrfha jrola ud fkdÿgqfjñ'hqj< fkdìhj tajd bÈßm;a l< kuq;a Tjqka jrola l< nj olajñka ìh jeoa¥ i;risxy kï ,shd.ekSug wjYH nj olajñka msßñ isiqjd ihkaia *el,aáh me;a;g nf,ka /f.k .sfha fofokdf.au ne.Em;aùï fkdi,lñka'fï w;r wkqr isiqúh iu. ;ksjQ w;r Tyqf.a ryia m%foaYh ksrdjrKh lr isiqúhg iam¾Y lrkakg n, lf<ah'fï widOdrKh olsk tlu mqoa.,hd jQ ug l< yels tlu foh jQfha PdhdrEmhla .ekSu muKs'PdhdrEmfha ±lafjkafka fuu wjia:djh'leurd f*dakfha Ig¾ Yíohg wkqr yeÍ neÆ ksid ug ;j;a PdhdrEm .kakg neßjQ w;r lKqjg uqjdù isáh§ udÿgqfõ úkdä oyhlg muK miq wfkla udI,a t;ekg meñKs wdldrhhs' msßñ isiqjd Tyq iu. isáfha ke;'udI,a i;risxyo wkqr iu. tlaù wk;=rej wehg w;jr lrkq ÿgqjd'l¨jr jQ miq isÿjQ foh ud fkdÿgqfõ wdrCIdjg ud t;ekska bj;a jQ ksihs'
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Here is the email
Marshals of University of Colombo Raped a girl inside the University
I'm an undergraduate of University of Colombo . I might not be able to get my degree if the marshals find who I am. But as this is the only thing I can do for the victims of this incident I made up my mind to do this even what happened after this. So please read this for your sons and daughters and brothers and sisters. Please inform them about this people and about the University of Colombo and protect them from these maniacs called "Marshals".
Following incident is about two marshals called "Anura" and "Satharasinghe" who are two marshals of University of Colombo . Marshal satharasinghe is the head of the marshals.
In this particular evening, (it was a holiday so there were very few people in the whole university and it was little dark at that time) I was on my way to home and came from the law faculty building side towards the gate and no one else in the area except one couple in the back side of the main library building (people who knows about the university knows that it is a famous area for university couples).
All of a sudden these two people came from the front side of the library building with another security guard and directly went to the couple without letting them to even think about it (It's a usual thing that these marshals walking around the university in evenings pretending that they are to stop misbehaviors of couples and this incident was also seemed like that). Once they went there these two disgraceful officials begun to shout at the couple saying that they misbehaved and asked their University Identity Cards.
Till this moment they didn't see me as I was behind the big columns of the law faculty building so I decided to hide and see what is they are going to do? Marshal "Anura" took the IDs from both students, kept them under his custody, refuses to return them back and shouted in very vulgarly words when they were asking for their ids back (He has no right to keep those as they had the IDs which mean they are University Students and they did nothing wrong, according to my knowledge). Two marshals demanded that they want to record their names and wants to take them to their office.
With this the couple begun to beg to not do so with all the ways they know and the girl started to cry. (If they recode it that will be the end of their university life and all we university students know that). Marshals laughed at them and started to touch and grab the girl (her private areas) by forcing them and saying them vulgarly words. The couple tried to shout and boy tried to pull them out but "Anura" slapped him on his face and stop him. The security guard and two marshals beat the boy and threaten them not to shout if they want their ids back and if they want to study in the University.
At that time satharasinghe demanded he must have to do his duty about this incident and for that the boy must go with him to his office (which is on the opposite side of the" Read Avenue" - in the science faculty) and said "Umbalata badu thalanna ehe okkoma lesthi karala thiyenne". The couple was so helpless and I couldn't think what to do for them. If I go there, they might took my ID also (Whether they have the authority or not). Marshal satharasinghe and the security guard drag the boy away from there while they were crying and begging. As soon as they leave there anura started to grab the girl's breasts saying "ai api mirikanakotada thopita amaru?" and took his penis and ugly big balls out and force the girl to grab it. Meanwhile I could do nothing to protect her but took my phone and got a photo as the only thing I could do at that time (Attachment) . In the photo you'll see "Anura" with his big balls out and the girl is beside him. Unfortunately my camera gave a shutter sound with that and anura turned his head towards me. I feared like crazy and couldn't take photos anymore.
I was shocked from what he did and the girl was frightened like hell and was crying and begging from this sexual maniac (who is supposed to protect the discipline and students in the University) to leave her alone. But he didn't release the girl and forced her to suck his penis. After 5 to 10 minutes Satharasinghe came back alone and joined with Anura (Don't know what he did to the boy). It was dark at that time and they were watching all over the place and had to do my best to hide. I think I don't have to explain more about this unpleasant incident and all I have to say is I was an eye witness for a rape case within the University of Colombo . After the incident when I go to go out only I realized all the gates were locked and security guards were at the gates so I had to use an alternate way to get out from the university.
Within two three days after this incident I kept my eyes open to find whether there is any incident reported or any rumor like that within students or anything similar to that. But there was nothing unusual. Everything was happening normally. So I decided to find about these marshals quietly. So the followings are some of what I have found.
• These marshals are given some unimaginable powers by the authorities and therefore no one going to complaints against them and if anyone does so, marshals will look after to neutralize him/her no matter what happens (They are more powerful than the police inside the university).
• Therefore this is not the first incident like this and it won't be the last one but there won't be any complaints about them.
• Not like any other University in Sri Lanka , University of Colombo is located in a high security zone. Therefore everyone (including academic and non-academic staff members) have to leave the University before 8.00p.m. So after 8.00p.m, only marshals and security guards (and some maintenance staff) will stay within the university premises.
• Usually one or two marshals with security guards are doing the duties overnight. Therefore those marshals will be the only authorized persons in the university at that time.
• These people (marshals) take prostitutes and other outsiders into the university at the night (and facilitate them of course). They can do this easily since they keep most of the keys of the university buildings during the night. (you can see evidence about this from your eyes if you can walk by the university silently at about 9-10p.m)
• These marshals broke some benches here and there so that no one can seat, to pretend that they are doing their best to control misbehaviors of university students.
• One of the marshals caught drunken during the daytime recently and students complaint against him but nothing happened. He is still working as a marshal.
• Marshal Satharasinhe' s daughter is leaning in the Musaeus College and doing the A Levels this year (2008) and he is raping girls in his daughter's age.
• Marshal Anura's wife is a lecturer in Sri Jayawardenapura University and he didn't think about at least his wife's dignity since at least he is depending on his wife..
• Anura sold his wife's old car and (wp JL-7778) and bought a new one for his wife's car permit (wp KG-7097) recently and Satharrasinghe' s car is (301-0890). So you have to be careful if you see any of these vehicles on the way (Rapers inside).
I put all the above information (including their vehicles) so that you can identify these sexual maniacs anywhere if you see them. Please protect your self and your loved ones from them. Please forward this mail to others whom you love before it's too late. Dear brothers and sisters you have to be very careful if you are studying or if you are planning to come to the University of Colombo to protect from these uneducated old sexual maniacs. You can't do anything against them. Only thing you can do is to know who they are and protect yourself. Please add to this if you have more experiences about these maniacs.

2.Satharasinghe with his daughter

3.Satharasinghe at Maths Coridoor

4.Mr.Satharasinghe with his daughter

5.Anura with his car

6.Anura's old Car

7.Satharasinghe's Car

8.The Raper(Anura)

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